Removing Grass After Tilling Your Garden
If you want to turn a plot of grass into cultivated soil ready for planting, your equipment rental store can help. One of the many pieces of lawn and gardening equipment you can rent is a rototiller. Rototillers, also known simply as “tillers,” break through grass and loosen soil. However, the grass remaining in the soil after tilling can grow from its roots and seeds. Unless you want to fight grass and weed throughout the gardening season, you will need to remove the grass and tilling your garden. Here’s how:
Go Over Your Garden with a Hoe
After you finish tilling your garden , work your way around the outermost edge of the tilled soil with a garden hoe, breaking up soil clumps as you work your way inside. As you move towards the center of your garden, remove clods of grass so you don’t compact them into the soil with your feet as you move around.
Rake Your Garden
After breaking up any noticeable clumps of soil and grass, pick through the soil with a wide-toothed bow rake, also available at your tool and equipment rental store. Dig around a bit to remove all grass clumps that were turned below the soil surface with the rototiller. Rake the grass clumps into a large pile and repeat the procedure until you no longer find clumps of grass in your garden.
Discard the Grass
After thoroughly picking through your garden with the rake and hoe, move the piles of grass clumps outside of your garden using a shovel and wheelbarrow. After spreading the grass to dry, add it to your compost bin.
For everything you need to keep your garden thriving, come to A Tool Shed Equipment Rentals. We are your source for tool and equipment rentals in San Jose. From rakes and hoes to rototillers, sod cutters, and edgers, we have the tools and equipment you need. Visit our website to see our entire selection, or call us at (831) 359-4769 to reserve your tools today !